Learning about Doug's life has taught me that even if I am broken there are always people I can go to and talk to who will help guide me through life and make me a little more whole.
Doug's story has taught me that if people are acting different or being obnoxious it's not just because they are weird or different, but it could be because something hard could be happening in their life.
Learning about/from his story has taught me to love more and see the people who love and care about me.
God puts different people in everyone's life for a reason, to impact them somehow, for better or worse.
Reading Okay For Now has let me see that many people have back stories and you can't judge a people by their covers.
Okay for Now taught me to be aware that more than likely the people I rub shoulders with every day don't have the perfect lives I think they do.
Learning about Doug's story has taught me that community can make a huge difference.
Reading "Okay for Now" has helped me learn the importance of knowing other people's background. just like I feel that if people knew my story they would understand why I seem distant at times and struggle with social anxiety.
Doug's story has taught me that I should first off, be thankful for what I have and my good family. His story also taught me that I will always be okay for now because I have a community of people around me, my great cloud of witnesses.
I think God is working out all things to fit together in my life and I know that people are helping me out along the way that are shaping me into the kind of person he wants me to be. God's story in all of our lives is that he can take whatever struggles and hardships we have and can turn all of that hard stuff into a beautiful and happy life.
These two stories connect together through being broken and then restored at the end. Throughout history, people grow up in broken families, cities, countries, etc but the people who know God can be restored again, a little broken still because of what they lived though, but God fills them up with love, shows them compassion, cares for them, etc. He helps them come to Him which helps their lives from what they were to where they are now.
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