Saturday, September 16, 2017

Working Through a Novel: Okay for Now

Beginning a year with Freshmen who represent four to five different feeder schools can be a challenge. The idea of community needs to be created. And I have found that the novel, Okay for Now,  by Gary Schmidt, to be the best way to create community and gather the Freshmen in for some wonderful storytelling. This is my second year at attempting to TfT this novel. Whenever I begin the brainstorming process, I always begin with the "How do we get peculiar" worksheet. Here is my attempt of adding TfT elements to this novel. Last year I had good success with it. I'm trying to be more intentional with reflection and storyline this year.

How do we get Peculiar?
Claiming Learning for the Better Story
Subject:Freshmen Unit: Okay for Now
  1. What is your deep hope for your students in this unit?  What story do you want to invite your students into?
My deep hope is that students will grow from knowing Doug’s story, will connect his story to God’s story, and will see our own story through Doug’s story.
My deep hope is that the students will identify and appreciate the encouragers they have had in their life.
  1. What do your students need to practice to become these peculiar people in this story?
Seeing others first. 
  1. What real needs can they meet in the study of this unit?
Sending thank-you’s to those who encouraged them.
  1. Who is the potential audience or ‘Real People’ for this learning?
Classmates and mentors.
  1. What real (Baraka) work can the students do?  How can they co-create with God in the making of all things new?
As they reflect on their own lives throughout the novel, they will see the encouragers in their life and practice being one to others. 
  1. What through-lines (habits of discipleship) can they practice in this unit? 
Community Builder, Temple Respecters, Beauty Creators
  1. What is the driving question for this unit?
What can community do for a person?
  1. What are the Essential learning targets for this unit?
To identify the Audubon birds blended throughout Doug’s story. 
To see God’s story in Doug’s story.
To live out the lessons we learn from Doug’s story in our own lives.
“To know the story” and it’s impact on our own lives. 
What did Doug’s story teach you about people?
What did Doug’s story reveal about your own story?
  1. Students make a heart and identity 5-8 folks who have encouraged them in their lives. They also explain what each person provided.
  2. The students travel throughout the room writing words on encouragement on other students worksheets.
  3. The students will pick 2-3 mentors in their life and write a thank-you note to them. 
  1. We will add to my storyline board as to how this novel helped us see stories.
  2. Based on this quote: “When you find something that's whole, you do what you can to keep it that way. And when you find something that isn't, then maybe it's not a bad idea to try to make it whole again. Maybe.” 

The students will take a picture that represents them. The next day in class they will break the picture and then put it back together. They will journal as to how this picture reflects their life and also write about the process of putting it back together. How did that process reflect life?  What did each student learn about brokenness and putting things back together?